Not a bad haul of games for me and Bailey over X Mass.
King of Tokyo,
Story Cubes (for me and the girls),
Blood of Gondor, Hobbit over hill expansions for Lord of the Rings LCG.
Had a quick game of some, nice.
Manchester Area Wargaming Society Black Panthers are a group of friends that play mainly historical wargames at the MAWS gaiming club on Monday nights in Walkden, Manchester, UK.
Not a bad haul of games for me and Bailey over X Mass.
King of Tokyo,
Story Cubes (for me and the girls),
Blood of Gondor, Hobbit over hill expansions for Lord of the Rings LCG.
Had a quick game of some, nice.
We had a game of Robs own rules using his ships of the line ( sorry can not remember what he called them).
With no one but Lee playing before it was a slow start for most, me and Bob got some early hits in doing some damage mainly to Lees ships. But with some good movement by Lee he raked one of my ships causing a fair bit of damage closly followed by Bailey getting my other ship. Both Bailey and Lee tryed to move away to reload with me and Bod chasing them down. Towards the end of the game most ships werd boarding each other. One of Lees ships was captured and my two ships were in trouble from Baileys boarding but I was fighting back but running out of crew.
We all enjoyed the game and Rob will be tweaking the rules again I am SURE!!!!
Me and Bailey had some games of LotR lcg last night. We only played with the base sets of cards.
Quest 1 which is level 1, I played Lore B played Tactics. We won easily.
Quest 2 which is level 4, same decks. After a bad start we managed to win with ease in the end.
Quest 3 level 7, same decks. Bad start, followed by two bad rounds in which my threat level hit 53 killing the quest. I am not to sure this level can be done with base cards, but we did have some bad cards come out early.
Me and Bailey picked up lost cities yesterday and had our first game last night. It is a fairly old game (1999 I think) but has high recommendations from the dice tower web site.
Very simple to understand and play but has a lot of strategy to it. Bailey loves it because he beat me!!!!
Here is a link to Marks on line photos.
So very nice painting here.
Tonights game was formula d on the Buddh track. This race was to get the players used to giving themselves wear points and using some driver skills. The finishing positions were also to set the grid on the upcoming season.
The race started well with all drivers getting into turn two blocking the track causing me to drive up some ones behind and burning all my brakes, making me have to limp round the race track for the rest of the game. Bailey forced ahead taking some damage but getting in the lead which he managed to maintain to the win. Lee put his foot down and got into sixth gear rolling a top speed of 29! Bob pushed his car to the limit causing is car to spin out and leaving behind. Rob failed to use one of his skills which left him at the back of the field but his car intact, with the other drivers suffering and slowing down he managed to bring his car in thrid.
Good race with some lessons learnt.
Tonights game was Bolt Action with a twist, modern Vietnam War.
American marines with M113s attacking a village. The VC were to push the Americans out of the village. If the village was in dispute the bridge and downed helicopter were secondary objectives.
The Americans advanced fast and hard up the center wiping out some VC units in the village. The VC got a T55 tank as reinforcements but managed to miss once hit an M113 twice and only managed a pin (some poor rolling). The US got a helicopter with a unit in that dropped them right in the village.
The VC pushed in to the village but were cut down again and again. The game was called with about 70% casualties to the VC and the US about 30% casualties and holding the village.
A good game with some lessons learnt about fire power and making up airborne landings as you go!
All models and scenery supplied by Lee.
My two new models came today.
Slave 1 and the wave one X Wing.
Slave 1 looks to have some nice upgrades and the slave is nice. Wedge looks like a nice pilot.
Some older citadel miniatures and a couple of original rangers ( or men of Arnor ) from Games Workshop for Lord of the Rings finished at the weekend for Monday nights game.
Monday nights game was Lord of the Rings. The object of the game was for the teams to reach the dragon, kill it and take all the gold. Each group started at an entrance then each cave section and goblins were generated at random. Each player picked a race so we had. Rangers, dwarfs, high elfs, army of the dead and rohan. So after some nasty cave fighting for rohan leaving only one left come final battle and a little stroll in the mines for the dwarfs with there full unit fighting fit came the dragon. When the smelly little ones came busrting in it breathed fire and roasted a few. When they finally locked it down in combat it became a bloody contest, the forces of good caused some early wounds and the dragon looked in trouble. But the tide slowly turned with the dragon passing a few courage tests. The game ended with the dragon being the winner but only having one wound left, a close thing in the end.
Again a good game played with fun and a fair bit of calling the elfs cowards for hiding behind everyone else!!
While working at a company on Liverpool docks I spied this frigate F126 awaiting to be sent for scrapping. When getting home I googled it to find out it is HMS Plymouth.
HMS Plymouth as well has having a full and active service she was one of the first Royal Navy ships to arrive in the South Atlantic at the start of the Falklands war. Taking part in many operations during the conflict however the main point is its in HMS Plymouths wardroom that the Argentinean commander surrendered to the British forces.
This seems a shame to see a moment in British history to be left in this state going for scrap.