Friday, 12 December 2014

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Dragon Attack Wing

Played Dragon attack wing again with an extra dragon two on two. Played very well different feel from X Wing, a lot more brutal with the upgraded attacks not much survives. Me and Rob ganged up on Tom first few rounds which took out his dragon. We then turned our attention to Bailey, down he went. Fast game.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Washington Post

Battle for the Gold - Monday 17th November

Some damned scallywags have stolen the unions gold. 
The troops have been mustered in the middle of winter and the wagons found, unfortunately the dastardly Rebs are also enroute.

6 wagons were placed on the table and the winner was the side with the most, was it the Heroic Union or Cowardly Rebs.

Unfortunately the Union Cavalry were off chasing Josey Wales, whilst the rebs managed to muster a few squadrons together.

 Bob started off the battle finding a new tactic for the Union Gatling Gun -

As expected Bob opened fire and gun jammed!!! Bailey soon made short work of the crew with some very close range cannister!

Elsewhere the centre seemed to stand still with both sides continuously failing orders. The Reb cavalry quickly reached 2 wagons, easily carting 1 off. The second wagon was denied by some accurate cannon fire causing it to blow just as they reached it.

On the union right after both sides quickly carried away a wagon and the Union got one on the left eventually moving it off table despite attempts by Reb guns to destroy it.

The right settled down to a firefight between the heroic Union Infantry and some skullking Reb cavalry in a village, too scared to emerge.

In the centre the Reb cavalry reached the remaining 2 wagons and took them under control. In an attempt to deny them the Union centre finally got moving, with Bob's units marching to the attack. Reb light infantry flanked them in a effort to deny them the chance to advance, however, one unit broke through to close range of a wagon due to some amazing saving rolls.

 Instead of shooting it to deny it to the enemy, he shot the cavalry. And was then chewed up by the Rebs.

The battered Union finally were halted due to casualties, and stopped from gaining the remaining wagons.

So who won????
Could it be a narrow Union victory by a score of 2 - 1 (as other wagons where still on table)
Or a Win for Johnny Reb 3 - 2 as they had control of those on table wagons.

The gallant Union Commander was heard muttering about the lazy Union cavalry back in warm barracks and the new General 'Bob' Burnside
Imperial Knight

Mark has bought himself an Imperial Knight.

Wanting to try it out, he set a challenge -
Knight v ALL my Imperial Guard -
Company HQ, Platoon HQ with 2 squads each with a heavy weapon.
Veteran squad also with a heavy weapon and a Kaskarin squad.
Backed up with a Leman Russ and a Hell Hound
Most of the troops were there to make up numbers, leaving the heavy weapons to fire (even a Grenade Launcher if I can get round the side!)

Forces were deployed, and battle began.
With the Ion shield giving him a 4++ save made it very hard to beat.

Eventually on turn 5, a glancing blow from a Gaunts Ghost Plasma Gun (my company HQ) finally brought the beast down with 6 HP damage.
Lucky in his death throes he missed all my troops.
I lost a lot -
Leman Russ, Hell Hound, 3 squads of Imperial Guard.
Only Company and Platoon HQ's with the Kaskarin Elites surviving/

In conclusion, its a lot to bring down at only 375 points, wouldn't want to face one in with a normal army and other troops shooting back at me!

Some pics-

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

D&D Attack Wing

Got D&D attack wing the other day. Played our first game with only the base set, every dragon for itself. Played good, weapon upgrades can be harsh. Liked it, need more minis on the table next time.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Hail Caesar

Hail Caesar.

Monday night game a few weeks ago was a game of Hail Caesar using 6mm minis. Romans v Carthaginians. Romans advanced and hit the Carthaginian line hard. The line went back and forth and no army was breaking. Game ended in a draw. We are going to have to house rule close combat, game slowed down with the amount of dice rolling required.

Minis and table supplied by Mike and as all ways the game played liked games should be played.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Dover Raid

Battle Flag.

Battle flag game from a few Monday nights ago. I was protecting a group of British supply ships from Lee's German destroyers doing a raid. Lee came straight down the middle and got more than average torpedo hits (did I even get one?) on me. Most of my destroyers were sunk or damaged, my monitor ships were still getting up speed with Lee's ships taking pop shots at my convoy at will. In hind sight my set up was wrong and Lee was spot on. The result of the game went to Lee. 

Ships and rules supplied by Rob, great game as always. Played as they should be played! 

The rules are on Black Panthers Website.  Thanks Ste

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Monday 19th Octobe4r 2014


 General Beresford has done it again and laughed in the face of French Bullies!!!

Although taking large casualties and eventually being reluctant to leave the field of battle he is reported to be pleased with his mens tenacity in the face of French Imperialism.

The army was tasked with holding the river which had so easily been taken from the French earlier in the day. This task was to allow the Allied army under 'Bob' Wellington to retreat and resupply ready to turn and support the withdrawal of 'Andy' Beresford.

The right flank under General Trant was initially in danger of being over whelmed by large French numbers, however the stoic morale of the common Portuguese Soldier, supported by the gallant men of the R.H.A held and stemmed the tide briefly.

Unfortunately number told and, only, after receiving over 57% casualties where they forced to quit the field.

On the right flank General Spry is reported as asking what all the fuss is about with these men who claim they are Napoleons Guard. He held the ford allocated to him and even when faced by the 'Guard' his men didn't flinch - "just new meat for the grinder" - a sergeant was heard saying.
Only on the order of Beresford did the brigade quit the field in good order and heads held high.

Finally, the centre.  General Lecur asked "were where the enemy, I've been waiting to give them a bloody nose!"
His brigade held the town and bridge, losing no units and withdrew in good order but frustrated at getting no action. 1st Battalion Vila Real reported firing a few rounds at some Voltigeurs and receiving some sporadic and wayward long range round-shot.
The reason for this - The VALIANT Transoco Cazadores. Intially holding the forward posistion near a burning house, they where forced out by some of the Frenchies Lackies from Switzerland!
Not accepting that this was a warning, they then advanced alone against the whole brigade and dealt a blow on the first unit, whilst weathering the fire storm of return fire from the rest of the brigade. Eventually retreating when the damage had been done.

The French held the field and are shouting about a great victory on the streets of Paris, but we of the free world know it was a morale and tactical victory to the Portuguese, who on returning to the British lines where cheered through the deployed red coats as heroes.

None shall pass on the right!

The Centre Holds thanks to Transoco Cazadores

The Gallant Left, eventually forced back
Initial Deployment -

The French surge forward, only to be held back initially -

Finally, overwhelmed and cause to retire

Monday, 6 October 2014

Monday 17th March

Second Battle of Warrington

The Facists and Communists had been reinforced and took the action to the South of Warrington.

The forces from Rixton and Culceth now joined the fray giving my troops a taste of the action.

The battle went well for the facist side eventually with tanks proving a great help along with the Rixton Regiment charging and destroying several artillery pieces.

Pics below

Friday, 3 October 2014

As requested, but a bit late -

SALUTE report

Going to combine both 2013 and 2014

Both shows were at Excel and got to say organization and size of venue was excellent.

Went down Friday evening and stayed at London Tower bridge Premier Inn and found street noise a slight problem during the night.

I was the only one with a ticket and was lucky enough to get a "golden ticket" giving us a free KR Multicase backpack.
Quality of games were great and we played loads of games and spent plenty of money!

Here's some pics -

This year we went early and stayed at Premier Inn Stratford Westfield Shopping Centre. this time went earlier and enjoyed an afternoon around the Olympic Park, followed by tea at Pizza Express and then 'Captain America' at the vue cinema.

Lads after last year each wanted a ticket, but this time no "golden ticket"!

After paying nearly £20 last year for a butty and drink, we found out how to get a pass out and eat at one of the vendors. Nice big pasty this year!

Didn't play as many games but enjoyed all the demo games and trade stand.

As with both years, it coincides with booking in for the Marathon and trains leaving are crammed, however there are ways around getting back avoiding the crowds by not following the announced route.
Adam had a great idea of traveling in wrong direction to next station and jumping on the empty train back before  the crowds got on.

Great weekend out and hotel booked for next year. Stratford price very high so going for Greenwich Premier Inn this year.

Here's some pics